Here's what I extracted from the crits today. Let me know if I've misinterpreted anything.
Be Smarter/More Intelligent.
-Up the intelligence of jokes
-Have sophisticated ideas and ways to treat them
-Make the movie references great!
-Don't let gags become stupid.
We have a huge concept and need to narrow it down to brass tacks.
Forest devastation is a huge deal and we need the audience to care; this can still presented in a comedic way
General notes:
Think of your target audience:
-Who would care? Who are we selling to?
-Is the problem/conflict international?
-Try to narrow down story to 30 seconds, think of it in terms of a T.V ad
-Have character go through a change
-Make us care!
-Real Emotion, we don't care about the privileged girl or rampant hobos but instead those who've experienced real tragedy or natural disasters that left them homeless.
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